Rich Data Co

AI Powering Sustainable Lending


The RDC AI Decisioning platform equips banks with the tools necessary to make high-quality business and commercial lending decisions efficiently and safely. Traditionally, these lending decisions have been complex, carrying high stakes due to the substantial amounts often involved. Over the past decades, commercial and business banks worldwide have relied on the expertise of experienced bankers for these critical decisions. RDC has successfully engaged with Tier 1 and 2 banks globally. The RDC platform introduces 'Teachable Intelligence,' enabling AI to learn from human experts—bankers, credit analysts, and portfolio managers—and in turn, aiding these professionals in making more informed decisions. This is achieved through a robust data foundation to ingest various data source and integrates machine learning with knowledge management. Additionally, the platform enhances AI capabilities with rule-based decision systems and ensures that decisions are self-describing and explainable, adhering to the risk governance frameworks common in the banking industry. This approach improves the lending decision quality, positioning RDC at the forefront of the AI platform for business and commercial lending decisions.
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What Rich Data Co can help with?

Enhanced Credit Risk Management

Use AI-driven models to assess credit risk, minimize losses, and ensure regulatory compliance, improving lending portfolio health.

Streamlined Origination Process

Automate credit origination and review processes with AI, boosting efficiency and enabling accurate, timely lending decisions.

Improved Customer Experience

Leverage AI and alternative data to gain insights into borrower behavior, enhancing customer experiences and driving growth.

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